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There might not be a more meaningful way to travel than when you can travel as a Voluntourist!

This unique experience truly is the triple threat of aid work and tourism combined. When done right a Voluntourist can achieve 3 main goals that should be top priorities for all travelers under any circumstance: 

  1. Support the local population however you can wherever you travel.

  2. Be a positive impact on the environments you explore.

  3. Always learn about the history and cultures of the places you visit. 


Follow these simple rules plus check out my Voluntourism adventures and you will be on your way to being a great Voluntourist too!  

Join a Community of Voluntourists

Fat Mama's Travel for a Cause is a grassroots, community based network of people and organizations with a goal of doing good in this world through Voluntourism. Travel for a Cause isn't about physically sending yourself to the middle of a humanitarian crisis, but rather making sure people all around the world feel the impact of our help as it travels to them in whatever form it takes. Working together as a network of individuals, community groups, and philanthropic organizations allows Travel for a Cause to have a truly global reach regardless of where our Voluntourists live. So whether you plan to join a Voluntourist trip to be of service in person or you are joining the Voluntourist Home Team as an advocate all are welcome to be of service. 

We might be a world away, but we can still do a world of good. 

Give real meaning to your next vacation...

No one ever said a vacation had to be all fun and relaxation. While most people certainly associate vacations with lazy days, consider spending a few of those days as a volunteer or aid worker. With thousands of nonprofits, charities, and humanitarian organizations around the world you will never be at a loss for causes to support or new destinations to explore. And besides, part of being a good Voluntourist is being a good tourist!


Donate Now

Fat Mama regularly participates in Voluntourism. Currently, she is raising funds for her next aid trip to Poland. 

100% of donations go toward purchasing goods and supplies for Ukrainian refugees.

$1 USD = 4.45zł PLN

(as of May 5, 2022)


Thank you for your donation!

Donations are not currently tax deductible.


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Mark Your Calendar

Fat Mama is rocketing back to Krakow, Poland this summer as a Voluntourist and you are invited to be part of the Travel for a Cause team.

Travel for a Cause     July 25 - August 5     

Whether you can't wait to fly out to Poland as a Voluntourist or you want to be an advocate of Travel for a Cause, we need you on our team! Sign up as a Site Member to become part of the Ukrainian crisis solution and support the upcoming trip. You will also gain access to exclusive Team Members Only content.

A Note From Fat Mama

This isn't my first rodeo. After the Krakow trip in March I hit the ground running working with my new contacts, volunteers I met here in the States, and my Soroptimist International Santa Clara Silicon Valley club to find more ways we could help Ukrainian refugees. Based on what I learned in Krakow, the outpouring of support I received from people at home, and the interest many people have expressed in wanting to volunteer in Poland I decided to start planning a second Travel for a Cause Voluntourist Trip.

On my second go around I have been able to coordinate airfare booking assistance, group room blocks in a wonderful Old Town Krakow hotel, along with securing interpreter and tourist services. For liability reasons I am NOT coordinating any of the bookings or travel. But, whoever wants to join me, Itsy Bitsy, and Fat Papa in Krakow is welcome to come along for the adventure. To get an idea of what this trip will be like, I highly recommend checking out my blog and the info from my first trip to Poland, March 2022.

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